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Chapter News

  • Sigma Theta Tau Chi Pi Research Travel Grant Application

    The Chi Pi Chapter of Sigma is excited to announce that we will be offering research travel grants for 2025.  Three travel grants will be awarded for the winter term. The amount of each grant is $500. The grants will be awarded as follows:

    • 1 travel grant award for current FNU students  

    • 1 travel grant award for alumni of FNU  

    • 1 travel grant award for faculty of any school of nursing  


    Eligibility Criteria 

    You must be a current member of the Chi Pi Chapter to apply for the travel grant. You may only receive one scholarship or travel grant per calendar year. If application scores are equal, the applicant with the greatest cost that is not covered by their employer or another sponsor will be considered.  

    How to Apply 

    Please use the link below to access the application. It is best to write the required statements in a Word document or Google Doc then paste the information into the application.  

    For the winter 2025 research travel grant, the application is due February 23, 2025 at 11:59 PM.  Notification of award will be on approximately March 16, and disbursement of the award will be approximately March 30.

    If you have questions, please contact Charlotte Swint at charlotte.swint@frontier.edu or (678) 878-9258.

    We look forward to reviewing your application!


  • Link for January 2025 Chapter Meeting Recording

    The Chi Pi chapter would like to thank Dr. Lazar for speaking at our first membership meeting for 2025! I hope that you have time to listen to the recording to learn more about her amazing work in global health. 

    Also, please stay tuned for information about the research travel grants and graduate nursing scholarships that the chapter will be sponsoring! We were excited to announce these upcoming opportunities at the meeting!

    With kindness,

    Charlotte Swint

    Chi Pi Chapter President

  • Chi Pi Member Meeting on January 21, 2025 from 7-8:00 PM EST

    Member Meeting January 21 2025
  • Chapter Update- Video and Slides Included


    I wanted to give you an update on the Chi Pi Chapter. 

    Here is the link to a quick video that I made.

    Here is the link to the slides with links to information about upcoming international meetings.

    If you are interested in chapter leadership opportunities, the following offices are open: Vice President, President-Elect, Leadership Succession Committee Member, Awards/Scholarships Committee Member, Newsletter Editor, Publicity Chair, Program Chair, and Archivist.

    Please contact Dr. Torica Fuller, the Leadership Succession Chair, or me for additional information about these opportunities.

    Also, look for information about a Chi Pi membership meeting in January.

    With kindness,

    Charlotte Swint, DNP, MPH, FNP-BC, CNE

    Chi Pi Chapter President

  • Graduation- Wearing Sigma Honor Stole or Honor Cord


    We would like to congratulate the Chi Pi members who will be graduating this month. If your membership was current as of August 27, 2024, at 5 PM, your Sigma membership in the Chi Pi chapter will be noted in the graduation program.

    We would like to remind you that you can wear the Sigma honor stole and the Sigma honor cord either separately or together over your commencement gown at the graduation ceremony.

    The stole and honor cord can be purchased directly from Sigma.

    Here is the link for the stole: https://www.sigmamarketplace.org/stole

    Here is the link for the honor cord: https://www.sigmamarketplace.org/honor-cord

    The images of each of these items are below.

    We are proud of our Chi Pi graduates!

    With kindness,

    Charlotte Swint

    President of Chi Pi Chapter, 2024-2025

    honor cord

  • Chi Pi Induction

    Congratulations to our new Chi Pi members who were inducted on August 27, 2024! I am including the video of the induction for those who could not attend. 

    If you joined the chapter after the slide with the new members' names was created, we want to welcome you to the chapter.

    We would like to thank Dr. Slager for being the speaker for the ceremony and challenging us to think about how we can all contribute to creating healthy work environments.

    With kindness,

    Charlotte Swint

    Chi Pi Chapter President 2024-2025

  • Exciting Opportunity!

    Exciting Opportunity Alert: Chi Pi Board Nominations for 2024 Are Open! 🌟

    Are you ready to step into a leadership role and significantly impact the FNU Chi Pi Chapter of Sigma Theta Tau International Nursing Honor Society? The stage is set, and we’re thrilled to announce that nominations are now open for the Chi Pi Board! If you have the vision, dedication, and passion to guide our chapter to new heights, we want to hear from you! Self- nominate!!

    We're on the lookout for dynamic individuals to fill the following prestigious positions:

    President (1-year term to complete current term)
    Lead our chapter through its next chapter of excellence and growth. This is a unique chance to shape our chapter’s future and leave a lasting legacy.

    President-Elect (1-year term)
    Step into the role of a future leader, shaping the direction and success of our chapter.

    📝 Secretary (2-year term)
    Be the keeper of our chapter’s history and help ensure smooth, efficient communication and documentation.

    ⚖️ Governance Committee Member #1 (1-year term)
    Join our governance committee to help steer the chapter’s strategic decisions and uphold our values.

    ⚖️ Governance Committee Member #2 (1-year term)
    Play a crucial role in shaping the policies and practices that guide our chapter’s operations.

    🔄 Succession Committee Member #1 (1-year term)
    Help ensure a smooth transition of leadership and support the development of future leaders. Your role will be crucial in guiding and mentoring the next wave of Chi Pi leaders.

    How to Nominate Yourself or Others:
    If you’re ready to make a difference or know someone who would be a stellar addition to our board, don’t wait! Forward this announcement to potential nominees or fill out the nomination form yourself.

    🔗 Eligibility: All nominees must hold a current membership in the Chi Pi Chapter of Sigma at Frontier Nursing University.

    This is your chance to shine and lead our chapter to new successes. We’re excited to see who will step up and bring fresh ideas and energy to the Chi Pi Board. Nominate yourself or someone else today and be part of something extraordinary!

    Nomination Deadline: [August 16th, 2024 @ 11:50 pm]

    Elections will begin Monday, August 19th @ 10am through Thursday, August 29th @ 11:59 pm

    Let’s make magic happen together! 🌟

    Here is a description of the officers' roles from our bylaws:

    President-Elect and Secretary Description

      Section 3. Duties Each officer shall submit a report at each Board of Directors meeting and to members at the annual business meeting. Additionally, the president and treasurer are responsible for submitting required chapter reports to Sigma Theta Tau International Headquarters. The specific duties of the chapter officers shall be as follows and as outlined in the chapter's policy and procedure manual: The president shall be the executive officer and shall administer all business of the Society as provided for by the bylaws. The president serves as the chief representative of the chapter in inter-chapter activities and shall be an ex-officio member of all committees except the Leadership Succession Committee. a. b. The president-elect (optional) shall succeed into the presidency at the end of the term of office and shall promote the purposes of the Society. The vice president shall perform the president's duties in the president's absence. The vice president, or designee, shall oversee the planning of at least two chapter programs/events annually. (In an at-large chapter, a designated vice president shall perform these duties.) c. d. The secretary shall prepare and distribute meeting minutes and correspondence. The treasurer shall be the custodian of the funds of this chapter and may be bonded in an amount equal to three-fourths of the chapter's worth. The treasurer shall propose a budget to the board. e. A counselor shall be a faculty member at the institution of higher education where the chapter is located, except counselors within Alumni chapters or practice settings who oversee Nurse Leader inductions and who are not required to be faculty.

    Governance Committee Description

      Section 2. Governance Committee The Governance Committee shall oversee bylaw compliance, make recommendations for bylaw changes, and oversee member and chapter eligibility issues. a. The Governance Committee shall consist of at least three (3) elected/appointed members and the elected counselor. The president shall appoint a committee chair from those elected/appointed.  

    Bottom of Form

  • Balancing Act: How to Support Students and Nurses for the Future of Healthcare

    Congratulations to Charlotte Swint, one of our chapter members, who is doing a Sigma Theta Tau presentation next week. She and her fellow presenters will be highlighting the importance of student and nurse well-being with a focus on the impact of stress and fatigue on nurse retention. Click on this link to learn more and register for the event!

    Balancing Act: How to Support Students and Nurses for the Future of Healthcare

    Regina W. Urban, PhD, RN, NPD-BC, CNE, MA-LPC | United States of America
    Charlotte Swint, DNP, MPH, FNP-BC, CNE | United States of America
    Adrianna Lorraine Watson, PhD, RN, CCRN, TCRN | United States of America

    Note: 1.0 NCPD contact hour will be awarded

Chapter Events

International Events